Oct. 17th – 18th, 2019
Nanjing, Jiangsu
“Advanced computing and defense technology” is a strategic frontier technology in the field of network information technology, which is of great significance to promote economic and social development and national security. Inspired by the phenomenon of mimicry, Jiangxing Wu, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, put forward the simulation computing technology of “structure adapting to application” and cyberspace mimetic defense technology of “structure determining the security” in 2007 and 2013 respectively, making breakthrough in the aspects of computing architecture and security and more from theories, techniques to technology application. Supported by innovative research group projects of national natural science fund, national key research and development program, etc., the first “advanced computing and defense technology” academic conference was held successfully in Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province in 2018. Scholars gathered to discuss the development trend of forefront directions of dedicated architecture and hardware/ software collaborative design, architecture security and so on.
The second “advanced computing and defense technology” conference will continue to focus on new concepts, theories, methods, technology in the fields of advanced computing and security defense technology with the support of related projects. Scholars could gather to discuss the latest progress of related technology and development. The newest research achievements are to be displayed. A number of top domestic experts and scholars will be invited to give special reports, providing an academic exchange platform to researchers engaged in related research industries so as to accelerate the development of the field of advanced computing and defense technology.
I. Guiding Institutions
China Institute of Communications
Chinese Institute of Electronics
China Computer Federation
Ministry of Information Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, Chinese Academy of Engineering
Industrial Development Promotion Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China (to be determined)
II. Organizers
Zijinshan Laboratory
Zhejiang Lab
Electronic Science and Technology Research Institute of China Electronic Science and Technology Group Co. LTD
National Digital Exchange System Engineering Technology Research Center
III. Undertakers
Posts & Telecom Press
China InfoCom Media Group
Zhuhai Comleader Information Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
IV. Academic Committee
Honorary Chairman:
Qizhi Yao, Academician, Tsinghua University
Jiangxing Wu, Academician, National Digital Exchange System Engineering Technology Research Center
Manqing Wu, Academician, China Electronics Technology Group Co. Ltd.
Shafei Wang, Academician, Academy of Military Sciences
Vice President:
Ninghui Sun, Institute of Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shaojun Wei, Institute of Microelectronics, Tsinghua University
Kui Ren, Zhejiang University
Luping Shi, Tsinghua University
Article scope (including but not limited to the following fields)
I. Advanced computing technology
1. New computing architectures or technologies, such as mimicry computing, software-defined computing, flow computing, memory computing, biological computing, quantum computing, etc.;
2. Computing technologies for neural networks, graph computing and other special fields or applications, such as brain-like computing and heterogeneous computing, as well as architecture of special fields, programming languages and compilers, and co-design methods of software and hardware that take into account both architecture and language;
3. Architecture design and hardware accelerator design based on RISC-V.
II. Advanced defense technology
1. New security technologies such as mimetic defense, mobile target defense, design security, customized trusted space, software-defined security, and artificial intelligence-driven security;
2. Network information system security architecture design methods, software / hardware collaborative design security technology;
3. Quantitative design, analysis measurement and test evaluation of safety performance
III. Application of security technology
5G security, cloud security, the integration of heaven and earth network security, artificial intelligence security, industrial Internet security, Internet of things security
Essay requirements
Content of the contribution shall belong to the author’s scientific research achievements. The signature shall be undisputed, Data shall be true and reliable, and the contribution shall be the unpublished research achievements with important academic value.
Manuscripts are acceptable in Chinese / English language, no more than 8000 words in general.
Manuscripts could be submitted through http://cacd.xintongconference.com.
Important dates
Paper submission: Aug. 15, 2019
Acceptance notification: Sept. 25, 2019
Final submission: Oct. 10, 2019
Conference date: Oct. 17-18, 2019
Paper acceptance and publication
30% of the outstanding academic papers will be recommended to the SCI/EI journals home and abroad such as Science China, China Communications, FITEE, Acta Electronica Sinica, Chinese Journal of Computers, Journal on Communications, Journal of Computer Research and Development, Journal of Cyber Security. Excellent papers could be published on Journal of Communications and Information Networks. The authors will be awarded with excellent thesis certificates and prizes. Other papers will be recommended to Proceedings CCIS (EI index searching) co-published by Posts & Telecom Press and Springer.